+44 (01206) 756712
About Us

How TraceNow works

TraceNow is predominantly a cloud computing multi-tenant application that is delivered as a service. The only requirement to access the system is an internet connection and a modern web browser. Delivering software in this way is extremely secure, reliable, maintenance free and gives flexible accessibility.

The customer facing components can be very easily embedded into your website or, if you prefer, can be accessed via the TraceNow website.

The solution is mobile device agnostic. You can use a mixture of smart phones or dedicated ruggedised terminals which can include bar code scanning.

TraceNow has two components:-
  1. A downloadable app that works on a smartphone, tablet or ruggedised device. This is used to record; the movement of consignments, delivery details, signatures (sign on glass), photo images and the GPS location at the time of capture. The information collected is transferred to a central web based server by either automatically or manually syncing via a wide area or local wireless link. The app, running on the mobile, is configurable so that only the information needed has to be recorded.
  2. A web based customer control console that allows: viewing of all the tracked consignments, transfer of data to and from other systems, configuration of mobile app and user rights to access various parts of the system.