+44 (01206) 756712
About Us

How is TraceNow priced

TraceNow like most modern cloud based SaaS (software as a service) solutions, is designed to allow organisations to easily implement an application without exposing the business to risk from large up front capital investment or long term contractual agreements. The solution will only remain in use as long as it performs the task required at commercially attractive rate.

Pay as you use -/-

The Pay as you use option is charged on a per consignment basis. You forecast the volume of items you wish to track and select the price band that matches that volume. There is no limit to the number of times a consignment can be scanned within your supply chain. There is no limit to the number of mobile devices that can be used.

Contract Lease -/-

The Contract/Lease option is available as a no-minimum-period option and as a fixed-period option. The fixed period (contract) option may include hardware, device management and airtime.